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"Halt, Feldgendarmerie“ describes and illustrates the history of the military police (Ordnungstruppe) of the German Wehrmacht (1939 – 1945).The following groups of German military police are included:

Feldgendarmerie, Verkehrsüberwachungsbataillone, Heeres- und Wehrmachtstreifendienst, Bahnhofs- und Zugwachabteilungen, Feldjäger, Feldgendarmerie der Lufwaffe, Marineküstenpolizei, Geheime Feldpolizei des Heeres und der Luftwaffe. Feldjäger der Bundeswehr is also briefly mentioned.

For the first time the author has put together a complete overview of all the decorated members of the Ordnungstruppen as well as all the Generals of the German military police departments, including rough estimates of the total membership of the German militay police and their casualties.

Allmost all the pictures are from the author´s own collection and are made public in this book for the first time. The number and quality of these makes this a unique reference source for the knowledgeable reader. Note that all the portraits of uniformed soldiers are explained in detail and the table of ranks of the military police are shown in colour.

It took 15 years to complete this extensive work and it´s unlikely you will find a better or more comprehensive book on the German military police.

The 420 page hard cover book is printed on high gloss paper and includes 120 black and white pictures plus 9 coloured pictures and 9 coloured tables. The size is 21,3 cm x 30 cm (8,38 in x 11,81 in) and the weigth is 3.200 gr. ISBN 9-783749-436576.

Price: Euro 69,99

Please note that the book is entirely written in German, nevertheless pictures and illustrations are of great interest for readers not speaking German as well.



Halt, Feldgendarmerie!

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Björn Gerhard Roth, born in 1964 in Cologne (Germany), did an apprenticeship as a publisher, studied evangelical theology in Bonn and works in a business enterprise today. The author lives with his family in Cologne.

Starting already during his time in School, the author was highly interested in history, especially contemporary history. During his studies he focused on ecclesiastical history. In 2004 he startet working on his military book "Halt, Feldgendarmerie!"

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Review from the UK from October 22nd 2019


Gordon Williamson

>> Excellent book <<

This book is a welcome addition to available documentation on the German Military Police of WW2. It is jam-packed with valuable information and a worthwhile addition to any military library.

It`s printed on good quality heavy paper stock in a well bound hardback book.  I consider this a first class book, well worth the price.

Review from the UK from March 16th 2020


Matthew H. Cooper

>> Excellent book <<


I can only confirm what the previous reviewer say: an excellent book, very detailed with clear layout and good colour drawings.
The author has exhaustively researched his subject: buy the book for the information.


Please support my work and future projects by ordering the book directly via Ebay UK.


Order here

Björn Gerhard Roth

Author of the book

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